Faculty: Chi-Chou Chiu Associate Professor

update date : 2024-04-17


Chi-Chou Chiu


Associate Professor


+886-6-2757575 ext.58315



Area of expertise

Chloroplast biogenesis, Plant Physiology, Cell and Molecular Biology

lIntroduction of Laboratory

     Chloroplast is a specific organelle in plant cells and responsible for many plant-specific physiological and biochemical pathways. My lab focuses on the mechanisms involved in chloroplast biogenesis. 


lResearch Aims




     Hsp70 is located in various parts or organelles in a cell and has different functions. Hsp70 functions need the presence of DnaJ protein. There are more than 100 DnaJ proteins in plant cells, and nearly a fifth of which could be detected in chloroplast. These specialized DnaJ proteins are necessary for the functions of chloroplastic Hsp70. We aim to comprehensively investigate the DnaJ proteins located in chloroplast to understand the functions of chloroplastic Hsp70.






     Chloroplast contains at least 3,000 proteins, while only about 100 proteins are translated by the chloroplast genome. Therefore, most of the chloroplastic proteins are translated in the nucleus and then transported to chloroplasts. We aim to investigate how nucleic proteins are transported into chloroplasts via the translocon complex on the chloroplastic membranes. 


L1 Journal and Conference Papers


L1Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Project