【Scholarship】Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology

update date : 2023-05-29

 A. 【本國籍學生】


每年依 本所研究生獎助學金辦法 核發獎助學金。



 B. 【For International Students】

1. NCKU Distinguished International Student Scholarship 成大優秀國際學生獎助學金

For Graduate: The departments shall issue the scholarship to the admitted students base on the "National Cheng Kung University Implementation Guidelines for Distinguished International Student Scholarships". The amount of scholarship and number of recipients shall be determined by each department. (monthly stipend for master recipients is up to NT$15,000).

How to apply: The University International Student Admissions Committee will review the application documents to evaluate the scholarship opportunity for the first academic year. Applicants do not need to submit any additional application documents for this scholarship, and the award information will be mailed along with the admission letter. For the further academic years, the students have to apply again.




2. Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology Scholarship 熱植所獎助學金

  • According to the academic performance of students, the advisor can provide a part-time assistance fee. Please discuss with your advisor for application.

  • You must apply for a work permit if you receive a part-time assistant fee from your advisor.

  •  依據學生研究表現,指導教授可提供計劃案兼任助理費用,請入學後與指導教授洽談。

  •  如獲得指導教授兼任助理費用,必須申請工作許可證。


3. More Scholarship Information  


4.  Application   
