【演講】臺大農化系洪傳揚教授:To germinate or not to germinate: An in vivo GA- and ABA-responsive dual-luciferase reporter system for simultaneous detection of GA and ABA responses in rice

最後更新日期 : 2024-03-01


l 主講人 :  洪傳揚 教授

l 講題 : To germinate or not to germinate: An in vivo GA- and ABA-responsive dual-luciferase reporter system for simultaneous detection of GA and ABA responses in rice

l 現職 : 國立臺灣大學 農業化學系

l 時間 : March 5 (Tue.), 2024  13:30-15:00 

l 地點 : 國立成功大學生物科技大樓5樓會議89514