
【暑期彈性密集課程】2024 智慧農業:R軟體在作物性狀改良之應用 (報名截止至7/19)

2024 智慧農業海報poster
2024 智慧農業schedule
最後更新日期 : 2024-06-04



提醒,有意參加的同學 (不論後續是否要選課)  ,請於7/19前 先將 系級、學號、姓名 MAIL 給李瑞花老師 (shanhua@mail.ncku.edu.tw )

  • 課程名稱:智慧農業:R軟體在作物性狀改良之應用
  • 授課教師:李瑞花*、Roland Schafleitner、Assaf Eybishitz、林亞平
  • 課程碼: Z371100
  • 學分及選必修:1學分、選修、英語授課
  • 上課日期: 2024/7/22-7/23、7/25
  • 上課地點:生科大樓及亞蔬─世界蔬菜中心(7/22-7/23)、生科大樓2F普生實驗室(7/25)。亞蔬─世界蔬菜中心, 坐區間火車台南-南科來回   Google Map
  • 年級:碩博
  • 報名最後日期: 7/19
  • 教師聯絡資訊:李瑞花老師  shanhua@mail.ncku.edu.tw  Tel: 06-2757575 ext. 58312   生科大樓 6樓89612室
  • 備註
  1. 此為與亞蔬合開之實作型英語授課彈性密集課程。
  2. 請暑假先修課,等選課系統開放後再選課。
  3. 課程大綱及海報詳附件。
  4. 請攜帶手提電腦

113-1 Flexible Intensive Course in Summer 2024

For the first semester of the 113th academic year, there will be a flexible intensive course with international agricultural experts.
Students are encouraged to enroll or attend as auditors. Please attend the class before registering. Thank you.
Reminder: Students interested in participating (whether or not you plan to officially register for the course) should email your department, student ID, and name to Professor Ruey-Hua Lee (shanhua@mail.ncku.edu.tw) by July 19th.

  • Course Name: Intelligent Agriculture: R Program in Trait Mapping and Crop Improvement
  • Instructors: Ruey-Hua Lee*、Roland Schafleitner、Assaf Eybishitz、Ya-Ping Lin
  • Course Code: Z371100
  •  Credits、Elective/ Required: 1 Credit, Elective, Course taught in English
  • Dates: 2024/7/22-7/23, 7/25
  • Places: World Vegetable Center, Shanhua (July 22-23) and 2F, Biology Lab., Biosciences and Biotechnology Building (July 25).  World Vegetable Center: Take the local train between Tainan-Nanke  Google Map
  • Year Class Group: M/D
  • Deadline for registration: Before  July 19, 2024
  • Contact person: Dr. Ruey-Hua Lee, E-mail: shanhua@mail.ncku.edu.tw, Tel: 06-2757575 ext. 58312 ,Office: Room 89612, 6F, College of Bioscience and Biotechnology
  • Important Notes: This course will take place in July before the 113-1 semester starts. Please take the course and register officially later with the university "Registrar Division"  when the Course Information & Enrollment System is open. Please refer to the attachments for the course syllabus and poster.  Please bring a laptop with you.  Thank you.