【恭賀】2023 第3屆生科學院研究日 3rd CBB RESEARCH DAY 熱植所得獎名單

🎉恭賀以下四位同學參加「2023 第3屆生科學院研究日 3rd CBB RESEARCH DAY」,經評審結果如下,特頒獎學金及獎狀,以茲獎勵!
🥇Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity Oral presentation 第一名:
l 學生Student: 李宗彥
l 論文題目Paper Topic:Direct recovery of rhizobial genomes from hologenome of Mimosa pigra using nanopore sequencing.
l 指導教授Thesis Advisor: 黃兆立 Chao-Li Huang 老師
🥇Biotechnology Poster presentation 優等:
l 學生Student: 歐倢安
l 論文題目Paper Topic:The power of smell from endophytes: Microbial plant biostimulants with the antifungal activity of volatiles against phytopathogen.
l 指導教授Thesis Advisor: 黃浩仁 Hao-Jen Huang 老師
l 共同指導教授Thesis Co-Advisor: 邱啟洲 Chi-Chou Chiu 老師
🥇Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity Poster presentation 優等:
l 學生Student: 陳彥儒
l 論文題目Paper Topic:Investigating post-fire effects on soil microbiome in two Pinus species with distinct adaptive strategies to fire regime.
l 指導教授Thesis Advisor: 黃兆立 Chao-Li Huang 老師
🥇Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity Poster presentation 優等:
l 學生Student: 王昱程
l 論文題目Paper Topic:Screening of potential disease-resistant bacterial strains against agricultural pathogens from organic field
l 指導教授Thesis Advisor: 張文綺 Wen-Chi Chang 老師