【演講】美國賓州大學馬紅教授:Comparative transcriptomic analyses of orchid floral symmetry and a novel Arabidopsis factor for post-transcriptomic regulation of floral MADS-box gene expression.

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l 主講人 : 馬紅教授
l 講題 :Comparative transcriptomic analyses of orchid floral symmetry and a novel Arabidopsis factor for post-transcriptomic regulation of floral MADS-box gene expression.
l 現職 :Professor of Biology, Huck Chair in Plant Reproductive Development and Evolution,the Pennsylvania State Univ.
l 時間 :November 26,2024 (Tue.), 13:30-15:00
l 地點 : 國立成功大學生科大樓1F郭士德講堂 (南棟1樓891S3)